samedi, juillet 24

a wonderful trip
recorded on a canon
here are the pictures

Stugufjorden, near T's cabin; my first time rowing a boat
Ranveig's border collie, Smilla, at the cabin in Gol
Tiril and Emilie at their kitchen in Gol
A Sami souvenir shop high up at Filefjell
A kiosk selling goatcheese, Filefjell
Looking down at Vooringsfossen; it has a fall of 182 metres, of which 145 metres is a direct drop
At a bus stop near Vooringsfossen
Torvalmenningen, Bergen
The fish market, Bergen
Bryggen, the old wharf of Bergen, is a reminder of the town's importance as part of the Hanseatic League's trading empire from the 14th to the mid-16th century. Many fires, the last in 1955, have ravaged the beautiful wooden houses of Bryggen but its main structure has been preserved. Many of the remaining 58 buildings are now used as artists' studios.
On the way to Akavariet, Bergen
A church in Bergen
Bergen decked for the summer
Torvalmenningen, Bergen
Ole Bull Park, Bergen
The car we traveled in, pictured here at a parking lot in Bergen
Vilde and Emilie on their trampoline at the cabin

mercredi, juillet 14

just to post something
a haiku before i go
regarding nothing

jeudi, juillet 8

apek gi cabin
main-main kat hutan
dengan si tom voss

balik ke rumah
tengok si anak tiri
main dalam pool


dimanche, juillet 4

haiku-ing is such
rhyming ends i love too much
adding my own touch.

"from bush speak"
1. We need an energy bill that ENCOURAGES consumption.

2. There is an old saying in tennesse, I know its in texas .. this is fool me once (pause) shame on (longer pause)shame on you. (pause) hmm. if fool me, you can't get fool again.

LEPAK!!! i laughed on the second one for like a good hour on and off.

vendredi, juillet 2

with a silver goal
greece meets portugal again
what losers we are

CZE << mojo

jeudi, juillet 1

bravo portugal
a host country win awaits
goodbye netherlands

NED << tun teja