vendredi, janvier 31

guile. a subset of negativities in the Venn diagram of EVIL. non-union word in da da anagram (Live)

i say guile. for deceit is evading the truth...
tak leh letak... equivocation

the word will be evading as in 'the remark is wide of the truth' ...not permissible is (grifting)

mercredi, janvier 29

did you yaw WIDE? the sea is (extensive) as we know it

just did reservist at sea, found out its easy to Yaw. the forbidden fruit is (warship)

mardi, janvier 28

tak terlintas di fikiranku untuk menggunakan perkataan everlast. hehehe
me werd iz easy for easy access
hang kebun tidak dibenarkan menggukan perkataan (yielding)

lundi, janvier 27

EVERYWHERE and the word you cannot use is (everlast)

samedi, janvier 25

HERE / her / sini is my word.
gorblogs, wanna make this a little bit tougher? after giving a word, we immediately give another, which the next player CANNOT use. the next word is E so i'll put azmi's forbidden word in brackets like this - (eternity). azmi, you now hafta find another E word.
what say youse? i guess there gotta be an exception when it comes to x

his is lame yours is long... nevatheless... i continue with Earth

vendredi, janvier 24

xenia... if i follow his lame train of thoughts, it's a gift to strangers, so... native americans bagi gifts to strangers. hehe boleh lah tu...

my word is agriculture

xenia? to me not ok but donno what the rest of the gorblogs think. judging from the tagboard, sam also not ok. if this was american idol or pop idol( as in other countries) you are sooo not going to HOLLYWOOD

xenia hope it's ok...

tagboard zalim. gratis ones senang2 diaorang matikan. cb.
ok, since it's one word, then i'm happy to change and say Sioux.

the other webbie's tagboard not working

mardi, janvier 21

with their Star Spangled Banner ::beep::

lundi, janvier 20

xenophobia is not connected to apex except for the continuation purpose. since we are going the last letter i pick Americans

I decide that we use the last letter from the previous word although it will be better if the word could end with the subsequent letter like ahab then brac then so on..get it? Though it will be quite difficult to find the apex will be xenophobia if we stick to continue form the last letter...

Apex if it's still the same a-z

Heavens if we associate using the last letter from the previous word.
Mi, pilih. Or start a whole new game if you have any ideas

dimanche, janvier 19

if u are gonna ask me for the connection or a connecting point u owe me three mutabaks Zenith

samedi, janvier 18

all through yonder

vendredi, janvier 17

the whole xeriscaped land

uniWerse Wery Wast neWertheless it's a WHOLE

jeudi, janvier 16

teruk lah gorblog a. kat bawah tagboard tu kan ada ruangan untuk luahkan kata-kata. lepas tu kechepek.

the universe is vast

I still can't get on the do I do it...went to the site saw u guys but how do I post anything on teh tagboard...kindly enlighten me

Throughout the universe he traverse

To Togo the seasoned Traveller wend

mercredi, janvier 15

barang kalu rustic that means sua Seasoned
gorblog A, the direct website for the tagboard is www.cendana
Selamat kechepek-ing.

kalau dah quaint... mesti go along with rustic...

Risz, u say something about the availability of another space where u guys are do I get there???

Ain't it quaint the word u choose

parah. harapkan Pariah, pariah makan pari

mardi, janvier 14

fisrt thing that came to my mind, bekas suami sam but itu o tanda so i am going with Ostracised

lolita was not misled. she's the tramp, actually. but the movie sure portrayed neuroticism

lundi, janvier 13

i guess at the end of the day she's just a misled girl....

dimanche, janvier 12

lights, camera, Lolita!

Dead man tell war tales? KubricK

lin says: jacket

vendredi, janvier 10

it will then be an insignia harap maklum

jeudi, janvier 9

geomancy tak sah geomancy jikalau garisan-garisan tidak dicantumkan menjadi

eheehheheeheheeeeeey hang fatgiant
lebih baik hang turun
berani hang langkah aku punye turn
dari fengshui ke Geomancy

mercredi, janvier 8

cis bedebah sundadeh sundadeh sekelian.. hang skip gua. hope they find da body before i get deployed.enigma is Fengshui

i don't know how long his reservist gonna with the woman Navy officer still missing i think he's having a hard time looking for her mentang-mentang kan PCG ie Police Coast Guard...

hey, i saw pendekar bujang lapok in singapore!
so kita skip R for now ya?
deep (assc: crimson is deep red)

maafkan kami teng tengteteng maafkan kami
maaf kan kaaami
kalau gitu... c for

ahaha... pad is a good word tapi salah word. gorblog L, C lah you cincalok.

oops! so used to tagging s to me.
kalau gitu... my word is

thanks for telling me about the date error. nanti bila aku update the diary, i'll change it. for now... malas

lin, after azmi is you! it's A L R S. btw, the date on your diary is wrong... dah 2003 sayang.

have not seen gangs of ny. yep, i love two towers. viggo is soo jilatable. how long will R be away, tahu tak? if long, then us 3 can main dulu.

mardi, janvier 7

gangs of new york yang ada leo dc tu eh? dengan cameron d kan? wait i go see lah. two towers best kan sam. aku tahu kau mesti suka tengok pokok berperang.

eh! ada orang dari pakistan nenok blog kita! hahaha

ok bagus...finally got to your blog yesterday...I think Riszzal on duty reservist pasal tu dia tak hantar apa-apa...have u guys seen gangs of new york...solid..

blog update: site meter has been added.

gorblog A, as L said, click on s a m. NYear was sama aje, main mercun. wrote about it on my blog. bet you had fun in thailand. i maafkan kamu for being late.

gorblog L, the link to my blog's stats (blue square button) is under my name at the bottom of the padacia's sidebar. look through it dulu and see if you like the format. there's plenty of other freestats sites to choose from if you don't like the one i'm using. gonna add a stats to this blog too. it'll be fun seeing what keywords ppl use on google to get here.

my 3 gorblogs, it's good seeing korang semua dah kat sini.

lundi, janvier 6

now tunggu si gorblog R kasi werd.
gorblog A selenger. click on sam's name. it'll take u to his blog.

Sam, I don't seem to be able to get to your personal blog anymore..can u please send me the address again...enjoy reading the blog...also how was yr new year?

I just got back to work apologies for the delay in replying....

the word will be blood

Happy New Year all...

samedi, janvier 4

riszzal kotek, you can change profile ler. after signing in, at the page Post to Cendana where you write your posts, kat atas ada icon satu jantan and satu betina digelar Team. click on Team and then click on your name on the new page. there'll be another button on the top right hand corner which reads Edit Profile.

for messages to the TagBoard, you'll hafta go to type your messages directly there and then TAG it.

lin dah balik but busy, adik dia nak naik pelamin. she said rumah nak roboh. you (riszzal) can continue with C while we wait for lin to join.
azmi, i sent your invitation to you're back at work aren't you? cepat sikit lah boy. we're waiting for your B. the first word is Apple.

vendredi, janvier 3

whoops. azmi dont small heart i forget ur name. what should have been. IF U ARE NOT AZMI SAM OR LINA. U CAN DELETE This after fatty put his word.

me hope this is the right hyperlink for the tagboard. if u are not sam or lina , never u mind.
sam oi. u damn kotek . i cannot change profile. azmi kau kasi second?!! btw lina tersendat di london.
azmi.. literally part of the jam in bangkok. u want a name for the blog. i suggest "4 gorblogs".- bahasa indon.MUAHHAHAHAHAHA