"Temporary Error" on the tagboard mah foot - it's been four days!
heard usher's yeah! as someone's ringtone... cracked me up.
weather fab! 25°C today and night time has been around 20°C. awesome - meteorologists predict this to be the hottest spring/summer since 1960. woohoo...
Word of the Day for Sunday May 9, 2004
apologia \ap-uh-LOH-jee-uh; -juh\, noun:
A formal defense or justification, especially of one's opinions, position, or actions.
Mr. Arbatov is well aware that he was perceived in this country as a spokesman at best and toady at worst for the regime. And he clearly wants this book to serve as his
--Bernard Gwertzman,
"When Soviet Bureaucrats Were the Last to Know," New York Times, August 20, 1992
I should hasten to add that this volume is neither a dreary academic summary nor a tedious
apologia by a politician who has just left office.
--Jack F. Matlock Jr.,
"Chinese Checkers," New York Times, September 13, 1998
Trivia: Originally,
apologia and
apology had the same basic meaning: a formal justification or defense. Though
apology is still sometimes used in that sense, it now usually indicates an acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense. An
apologia involves explaining, defending, or clarifying one's conduct, opinions, etc.